Anybody else bothered by $8call.00

These dealers spamming with these arbitrary prices expecting people to call in and haggle really bug me.

Is it just me?
I can speak only for myself.

--Supply and demand. You will get one price if it's the Saturday before Christmas and they have one left and a different price if it's the third Thursay in June,they have five in stock,and their note payment is due the next day.

--Honest one mentioned the other factor I consider. Some lines don't like to see their products discounted in advertising but have little if any(I'm not a lawyer)control about what a dealer does with product.
One more thing,as a dealer can write off his/her taxes a demo as a business expense,potential buyers should keep that in mind when negotiating a price.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it was an occasional ad, but often, especially on New Today, someone will post like 10-20 of these adds in a row. At that point it becomes annoying and frustrating, particularly because there is a "Sales and Demoes" section. Use that.
It seems to be that the discounts dealers give off MSRP are generally small enough that they would be covered under the "OBO" designation. So instead of righting $4Ucall.00, which is annoying as hell, why don't they just right the MSRP, and then be sure to include OBO in the listing? That would imply that they know what the MSRP is, they're not trying to scam you, and that they're willing to negotiate a bit on the price.
Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that is annoyed by these ads. I understand you can "not call". I also understand there are reasons why dealers do this. It just seems that they are continually growing in number, and we have to scroll through all the spam.

I think we are all aware of the ability to negotiate with a dealer beyond what is printed. I also question their effectiveness. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to put up with it.