Anybody else bothered by $8call.00

These dealers spamming with these arbitrary prices expecting people to call in and haggle really bug me.

Is it just me?
It seems to be that the discounts dealers give off MSRP are generally small enough that they would be covered under the "OBO" designation. So instead of righting $4Ucall.00, which is annoying as hell, why don't they just right the MSRP, and then be sure to include OBO in the listing? That would imply that they know what the MSRP is, they're not trying to scam you, and that they're willing to negotiate a bit on the price.
Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that is annoyed by these ads. I understand you can "not call". I also understand there are reasons why dealers do this. It just seems that they are continually growing in number, and we have to scroll through all the spam.

I think we are all aware of the ability to negotiate with a dealer beyond what is printed. I also question their effectiveness. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to put up with it.
Spamming, would imply these dealers are running these ads for free. Fact is they pay a higher ad fee than a private seller. Like some of the previous posts noted a lot of manufactures prohibit a price to be advertised below MSRP outside of the Dealers area. Fact is some manufactures prohibit a Dealer from selling their product to a customer in another Dealer`s area. If a High-End Dealer is going to servive in the age of the "Net" he will need to go where the customers are. And at the present time as far as the Net, it is Audiogon. As more and more of us buy used equipment instead of new it will become even more of a challenge to compete for our dollars. One final note these dealers pay for the ads they run, which helps make this Forum free and possible.
Disclaimer, I personally know the Dealer here in question I have bought from him over the past ten+ years or so. I have never paid MSRP. He is one of the largest volume selling "Hi-End" dealers in the U.S.A. Check out his web site. For those of you who have never clicked onto any of his ads it`s your loss. When he sells used items on Agon he always gives a sale price.
I loose sleep over those ads every god damned day! Inconsiderate ponces have no idea the aggravation their causing us all! I think I got an ulcer coming on too from all those dolts who can't seem to fill in their zip code properly so I can estimate postage on my own! Oh, and what about those ham-fisted cretins who insist on keeping the caps-lock on for entire bodies of descriptive type?!?! I've gotta quit this site before it kills me!

im not bothered in the least, its just another gimmick not unlike the info link they use to redirect buyers to their own website.

i am however very curious as to who these age old "bait & switch" technics work on & dealers wonder how come they get a bad rap.