I hear a random low booming noise .

I have velleman tube amp and Audible Illusions tube preamp.
There is a low level boom that comes from speakers randomally. Is this a proximaty issue (amp to close to preamp, wire or speakers etc) or is it inherent in this equipment?
I think that what you are hearing is the woofer bottoming out from some DC leakage. Not a good thing.
Thanks Swampwalker, do you think this could be from a malfunctioning tube in the amp and/or preamp or would this be a symptom of bigger problem with amp and/or preamp?
Are you playing the 1812 Overture when this happens?

Could you please be more descriptive? Does it boom when playing music or just sitting there? If with music, how loud. What do you mean by random?

Could you describe the boom? I've never heard that term used to describe an audio problem.
Herman, this is a very short and dull "boom" that happens randomly meaning no discernable pattern. I can best describe the sound as like that of a subwoofer, but very short in duration (kind of a pop but at very low frequency). It can be heard between tracks or during, but only in silent or low passages. As far as frequency of occurance goes, it is more of a periodic nuisance than a continuous problem.
If it only happens while playing music at low volumes my first suspect would be the source. Do you have more than one source to try? Maybe a portable CD player you could hook up to see if it does it too?