B&W 801 Matrix III...which amp to use??

I love my Conrad Johnson CAV 50 tube amp, but it's just
not enough for the 801's at 45 W/PC.
Sad day, but I will need more power. Any thoughts on
a good high power SS amp that may (just wishing) have close
sonic quality's to the CJ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys! Keep them coming. I am also using biwire
AZ Satori's, if anyone thinks there may be a better
match cable wise please include your opinions.
I like what lies beneath in these speakers, I just need
to have more bass control & volume for starters. Imaging,
depth, & soundstage are almost there.
The Classe amps are great with B&W's, very smooth and not harsh at all. I would go with a CA-300, CA-301, but the 400 or 401 will be a little better. I'm using a CA-400 with my B&W N802's and it's terrific.
Ca-400 hands down. Had mine with my 801's w/Northcreeks and the sound was amazing. Had a 8008BB with them also. This amp sounded great but not near the sound of the big Classe'
Don't let anyone tell you that power is not needed. The better the amp the better the sound.