Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?

For those who use these together, which comes first? Does it make most sense to shoot the record with the gun first, and then use the carbon brush?

Thanks again!

After scouring the Web for a full 5 minutes I managed to find a photograph of what I believe is an original procedure...(?)

(Scroll down to the second post on this page...)

The discharging process probably isn't quite as precise as we'd like to think i.e. that those displaced positive and negative ions are nailed into position and won't budge when we use conflicting clouds of negative & positive ions. If they're available they probably just randomly grab them then repeat if opposite charge is required. But my gut feeling is not so much based on a complete grasp of science, more on the number "42". :) ;^)
Thanks all for your posts. And really interesting to see these directions, which are so much more extensive than the ones that came with mine. Interesting that they think it is best not to shoot the record on the turntable!
Indeed Margot, I would think the ion "stream" would find the platter spindle to be the most attractive target.

By way of illustration, if you examined an open-reel tape deck rewinding a tape, in complete darkness, you would see very fine miniature "lightnings" i.e. continuous thin filaments of electrical energy literally crawling all over the reels and tape heading for the grounded hub. Same sort of thing as you'd see in a Van der Graaf generator.
If the gun were close enough it would probably produce a spark.
Don't want to think of what this zapper gun might do to a phono cartridge, either....
There is no aspect of the vinyl ritual about which I can't learn something new. Yes, I think you're supposed to zap the LP before mounting it on the platter, but I never bother to do that. So, if the spindle is soaking up ions, perhaps I am achieving nothing. Occasionally, you can hear a crackle through the speaker, if the gun is held too close to the cartridge (which happened to me just last night). But I perceive no evidence that the cartridge can be damaged by the gun.

If I can find the reference to support the notion that the gun should be held away from the LP surface whilst releasing the trigger, at the end of the de-static process, I will post it here. Suffice to say I did not make it up off the top of my head, but that does not make it right, necessarily.