solid state gear- leave on?

Is it good idea to leave solid state power amps on during the day if they don't make much heat?
Sure, I leave it on if the electricity and repair service is free. They work will as backup heater for the cold winter.
The gear that runs the hottest is the gear that benefits the most from leaving it powered up. Less temperature swing equals greater circuit stability with improved sonics being the result. Sean
I couldn't disagree more with Pabelson turning the component on and off will wear it out faster then by leaving it on due to the hot/cold cycles I mentioned(as did Raquel).

It is true that the earths temperture is rising at a faster rate in the last 10 years than ever before which is concering. Apparently we are almost as hot as the 1500's. Obviously there were no cars or internal combustion then. Apparently the cows were very, very gassy back then.
on 24/7...even more important with digital stuff from what I have heard.

lol tireguy!
Barring Global warming and "gassy cows" It is great to leave SS on all the time. I leave my Cd player and did leave my SS amp 24/7 and they do sound better. I can't believe that something that simple makes a difference, but it does. I use tubes now so that idea is out, but the CD player stays on just the same.