McIntosh MA 6500 VS Musical Fidelity A308?

Reavaluating my system and have decided to go back to an integrated. I am considering the McIntosh MA 6500 and Musical Fidelity A308. Any thoughts-price range is about the same. Driving Mirage OM5's. Source is a Marantz DV9500. Thoughts?
I found that MF don't match to good with B&W. I tried a A302 with some 705 and it didn't work. It works wonderfull with JM Lab for example. I tried the same Amp with the Electra 926 and it blow me away.
I use the A308 with a pair of Infinity Renaissance 90 speakers. Its performance is outstanding. You should consider a different set of speakers. The MF has more flexibility than the Mac. More power. Able to drive digfficult loads. Has mm and mc swithable input. Has aux inputs for a processor to act as preamp. Doesn't look like an antique. Don't just buy a name !
i was considering a 6500,but never heard one. did you buy one, if so what is your opinion on how it sounds?
It's a nice unit, still have to auditon it with respectable speakers. I've had the 6500 for about 9 months now. Looking back, i would check out some integrated tube amps or arcam integrateds.

Once again I note I have yet to hear the full dynamics due to the fact of the current speakers being utilized. None the less the sound is very warm.