NOS tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 1

I just recently bought a Line 1 here on the Gon, Sounds great, but, I would like to do a little experimenting with some NOS tubes. I under stand the back two tubes make the biggest difference.
I would appreciate any suggestions? It now has the Sovtek 6922 stock tubes.

Thanks, Jim
Well here I am again. I bought me a matched pair of new NOS Early 60s Amperex 7308 PQ USA tubes. The first pair I received early this week. Turns out after just a few hours of time on them, one of the tubes became noisy, Microphonic. I bought them from Mike Miller, "Fat_Cat", here on Agon. I emailed Mike about my problem and Mike immediatley sent me another new pair, which I received today, {Saturday 3/26/05}. That is what I call a quick turn around. He said return the other pair when I got the time. I highly recommend Mike if you are looking to buy tubes with no worry.

I did get a chance to experiment with the Herbie's Hal O tube dampers on the microphonic tube. I found the Hal O helped control the noise best at just slightly above the top third of the tube. And also where the pads rested against the tube would make a difference. Even the tightness of the Hal O against the tube made a difference. Tighter was better.

The sound, how do they compare to the Siemens cca, I will have to report back later after I get about 50 hours on them.

Hi Jim, Lawrence here, the guys who sent you email regarding which pair of 6922 in Line 1 affected the sound most. As I mentioned to you I have both old Siemens CCa and Amperex 7308 PQ (white label). I been plucking in and out on both type tubes on both my Line 1 and Power 2. At the end of the day, I prefer Amperex 7308 PQ over Siemens CCa. Amperex sounded more full body and a touch of warmness as compared to Siemens CCa. Siemens sound clean, accurate, airy high and better control of bass but overall sound is kind of lean as compared to Amperex full body sound. Hard to put them in word, anyway, I prefer Amperex over Siemens CCa in my system. I let the Siemens CCaa sitting in SFCD-1 at the end of day. And last but not least, the white label certainly sound better than the orange label. Will continue with my experiments and post my opinions if there is new findings.
Lawrence, I like both the Siemens CCa and the Amperex PQ USA white label 7308 tubes. Both have their own sonic character. I have been switching them back and forth for weeks it seems. I do like the rich warm sound of the CCa on vocals. It is a tough call for me to say which sounds better. I do agree the orange label USA PQ 6922 is no match for the early white label USA PQ 7308 tubes. I wasted my money on that one.
What are you using for tube dampers. especially in the back row, LV1-V1?

I read your recent post, why are you thinking about a SS power amp? If you want a more SS sound from your power amp you might want to try electro-harmonix tubes. Email Chris Johnson at Parts Connexion see what he says...

So for now I have the CCa in the back row LV1-V1. The PQ 7308 in LV2-V2. and the orange label PQ in LV3-V3.

I am now looking for a matched pair of Telefunken E188CC early 60s. I want to try them in the preamp next.

My quest for the Telefunken E188CC, I am not having much luck. Them puppies are expensive! I have found a new matched pair of E88CC 6922 gold pin diamond bottom late 60s. Question, are Telefunken tubes like the Siemens and Amperex tubes where the early 60 tubes sound better than the later 60 tubes? I am hesitant toward buying them without knowing... I made that mistake on the orange label Amperex PQ 6922 tubes.

Jim, I suggest the next group of E88CC/6992 you should try out is the Holland made Philips. I managed to get hold of 3 types of Holland made Philips and my comments are as follows:

(1) Philips E88CC SQ - Same construction as Mullard E88CC, from what I know, Mullard have no plant in Holland so Mullard E88CC most likely made by Philips Holland plant. The sound is refine with good details. Soundstage is quite wide but slightly lack the warmest of tube sound.
(2) Philips E88CC CCa Miniwatt SQ - Great tube! details, dynamics and musical engagement first class. Sound have the magnet feel.
(3) Philips 7308 SQ - Quite similiar to no. 2 but slightly lost in details and also bass is slightly lesser. Overall a very good tube.

Okay, that my comments on Philips E88CC, I hope this is useful to you guys out there looking 6922 replacements.

Jim, as for the reasons for getting a SS amp to match with Line 1, I heard one of setup using line 1 with pass labs amp and it sound beautiful and yet have dynamics of a SS amp. I was thinking to myself that maybe it is time to replace the Power 2 with SS amp.

P.S Forget about Telefunken, they are over price for their performance. I think the price is so high just because it is rare and not because it is the best. My next group of E88CC/6922 to try is Europe made Tungsram and RTC.