Amplification for Dali MS4

I am still in amazement that as fine a speaker as the Euphonia MS4 is, that there still isn't a lot written regarding what related equipment people are using.

I am going to dump my HT and go back to 2 channel. I am curious if anyone who has these speakers or might have auditioned them with any fine 2 channel amps.

Some that I am considering would be Plinius SA102, McCormack DNA1 or 2 with Revision A mods, Edge G8+ monos or NL10, Pass X250 or McIntosh 402 or 352. I would be open to any and all suggestions. Preamp that I would probably be getting would be the Aesthetix Calypso. Still working on the CDP. For now my Meridian 506.20 is working just fine.

Thanks to all for your input.

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
I would have to agree with AVGURU. I own a pair of Dali Helicon 800's and have made the same obseravations as he. The treble is just unforgiving especially with some popular music. I changed my amps from Solid State(SimAudio P3/W3) to ARC amps(SP16 and VT 100). Much easier to listen to. I would therefore make the same recommendation, go with a hybrid. I've actually auditioned the MS4's with a Plinius SA102 before I bought the ARC amps, it just didn't do the same for me as the VT100. What you will get with the ARC amps is a very natuaral sounding combination of speaker and amp. Still detailed and highly resolving but without the edgy sounding highs.
I reviewed a pair of MS4's last year and never experienced the ear splitting highs that some others have. The highs that I experienced were brilliant, never bright or harsh. As a matter of fact, the mids and high were a strong point with these speakers and the bass is fast and tight. I do agree that a better match with these speakers would be something on the warm and lush side...tubes would be my first choice.
I installed a pair of MS5's recently, using the Mac 352 and c2200, combined with the ayre cx7 (new version). There was no problem with the highs. The sound was quite good, actually.
I did hear MS4 and ms5 with Gamut D200 mk3,directly connected to a Capitole mk2, no problem at all with the higs,unforgettable match. Tubes somewhere in the system....