What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?
If you can live without a remote, I think Tbg would recommend the H-Cat; he used to have a Syrah and felt it was not even in the same league. Check the threads under H-Cat. I can attest that it is something special. My one experience with the VAC was positive sonically, competitive with my JP80MC, but the version I borrowed did not have a balance control or dual volume pots, an omission I understand from a purist point of view but which made it unacceptable to me from a practical point of view.
Must have tubes, so the H-Cat is out. Sorry, but I have never liked solid state. And I can't live without a remote.

It's helpful to hear about your comparison with your Jadis. No balance control, and no dual volume pots isn't an issue for me.
I went from Supratek to a Herron VTSP1A and I think the Herron is just a bit better overall. It doesn't have a remote but the new linestage from Herron does, I've paired mine with a Camelot Lancelot Pro phono stage for a total used price of $2500 and it equals and in some areas betters my old Syrah. Also I'm in DC if you want to come listen.