Jeff Rowland 201 or 501 for high current demands

I hear a lot of good things about these amps, but will they work for speakers that like a lot of current? The 201 mentions 35 amps and the 501 mentions 45 amps in the specs.


My H2O Signature, another ICE module amp, is rated 45 amps too. I think that is an average reading. The H2O utilizes a very large analog power supply. That may provide the amp with even greater current. All I know is, my amps have more than enough juice for a near dead short, which is what my speakers happen to be.
So what is truly important when evaluating a potential amp...before listening that is?

The problem is, you cannot always get different amps connected to your same speakers for evaluation.

There is wattage output, voltage output, and amperage output numbers from many manufacturers. How does one make sense of it all, or should you just trust reputations?

My speakers (Legacy Focus 20/20 (back off sean)) are said to want high current amps and are rated at 4 ohms.

I have been kicking around the idea of getting a class A amp, but I keep seeing the digital amps and how many people like them.

Obviouly, I don't know much about this stuff and am just looking for information.

Henry offers a money back guarantee on his H2O amps, no questions asked, he pays postage. Other than that, there is a trial stereo version that is going from here to there all the time.

The review here:

The reviewer, auidiofankj, is reported to have tried the Rowland 201, and 301, before deciding on the H2O.

That is something to consider (the money back guarantee that is). However, I am not the kind of person that would buy something like this with the intention of returning it. I just need to be comfortable with my decision whatever it might be. Right now, I need to attain a better understanding of what's what with amps in general, sort of my own hobbyist due diligence.

Thanks for the tip on the H2O though. It looks (sounds to others that is) very interesting.

I have just purchased a pair of 201. It was my decesion to upgrade from the model 1's. I was reading a thread that said these amps need a long break in. Can anyone offer advice. They just seem a-lot different than my model 1's. The mids are there. Compared to the 1's almost too much there. Maybe because the base is just extremely fast & tight on the 201's and not so deep. Anyhow, can anyone offer advice. By the way, I am using dedicated outlets for each amp and good power cords. I am using Cardis balanced cables from my Krell preamp.