Jeff Rowland 201 or 501 for high current demands

I hear a lot of good things about these amps, but will they work for speakers that like a lot of current? The 201 mentions 35 amps and the 501 mentions 45 amps in the specs.



That is something to consider (the money back guarantee that is). However, I am not the kind of person that would buy something like this with the intention of returning it. I just need to be comfortable with my decision whatever it might be. Right now, I need to attain a better understanding of what's what with amps in general, sort of my own hobbyist due diligence.

Thanks for the tip on the H2O though. It looks (sounds to others that is) very interesting.

I have just purchased a pair of 201. It was my decesion to upgrade from the model 1's. I was reading a thread that said these amps need a long break in. Can anyone offer advice. They just seem a-lot different than my model 1's. The mids are there. Compared to the 1's almost too much there. Maybe because the base is just extremely fast & tight on the 201's and not so deep. Anyhow, can anyone offer advice. By the way, I am using dedicated outlets for each amp and good power cords. I am using Cardis balanced cables from my Krell preamp.
Give the 201's about 300-400 hours of break in and they will open up! They are butter smooth but will get much better! People have sold these before breaking them in fully.
DBLD, I have heard the 201 monos at Audio Connection in Verona, N.J. They did sound marvellous, but had problems driving the 4 Ohm 84DB Maggie 3.6. Reportedly, the 501 can drive the same speakers with great ease instead, but I have not heard them myself. During the audition the 201 monos were connected to the AC via their own stock power chords. By the way, John Rattan at Audio Connection is absolutely a delightful host, and extremele knowledgeable.
Thanks Guido,

That's relatively close. I'll keep it in mind to pay a visit.
