cones or amp stand-???

hey- which is better- I have a concrete floor covered with carpet-Am I better off putting my amps on a stand or using something like audiopoints directly to the amps?? thanks gary
Respectfully disagree that airborne vibrations are the chief culprit in most audio systems. In fact, I would go so far as to say that airborne vibrations are significantly less critical than seismic vibrations. So we disagree substantially on this point.

Machina Dynamica isolation stands actually address vibrations higher up the frequency scale (as well as the very low seismic type) produced by airborne or motor noise, etc. by utilizing "selective frequency damping" techniques (for both Nimbus Sub-Hertz Platform and Promethean Base.) So I won't say airborne vibration is a non-issue, only a "secondary" one.

Geoff Kait, Machina Dynamica

Geoff Kait, Machina Dynamica
Well Geoff, differing viewpoints are the spice of life. That's why there are many different products of all types on the market.

We wish you all the best in your endeavors, now, and in the future.
I always enjoy a arguement that uses Stereofool as a reference ( after all all those advertisers can't be wrong!!). The diode effect does work on concrete floors since I've used both points and the Sistrum 101 stands throughout my system. What they are cpaable of is stunning for both products, the pionts are a good value( a friend just bought 1.5 audiopoints for his Totems and was schocked at the difference they made compared to stock.)I also liked the points but was able to afford the Sistrum 101 whish I use for all my components, I also purchased sp-1's for the speakers. This gave me staggering dynamics as well as a big increase in resolution, detail and speed. So if you need a cheap tweak call 1877-668-4332 and talk to Robert. If you don't like them I am sure that you may send them back, if you can !! Take care Dennis
"It appears the article was written with the express intent of promoting certain products which kept getting mentioned over and over again."

Tell me you get irony of this one.

"Where I seem to have difficulty agreeing with him, are the parts where he seems to be convinced that vibrations can be transmitted up from the floor, but cannot be transmitted down from the equipment "like a hose"(as he puts it)."

This was not the point as I read it. Dickson relates vibration transmitting in both directions. The operative phrase in the "like a hose" sentence is "containing a one-way check valve".

I was not going to write this paragraph, but now there are three posts amounting to the same point. My stance is: (A) what is odd/funny to me are users who believe their consumer experience necessarily gains them knowledge of an accurate physical explanation. (B) I did not post about a thing but a "theory". (C) I didn't start it; the door was soooo wide open for my post.

Celine: "The diode effect does work..."

Twl from the thread I can not believe hasn't been deleted:

"The points do not function as a "one way" device or 'mechanical diode'."

PS - Twl, what happened to parts two and three of the white paper trilogy Star Sound was going to create?