any suggestion for a narrow mini receiver

I would like to buy an inexpensive receiver that's no more than 12" wide...with a good tuner section. It's for my kitchen shelf, which is narrow. I know most components are a standard 17" wide, but there are some mini components = any recommendations? I saw a TEAC that seemed to fit...
The Sharp Newbie mentions is the best "cheap" deal going right now, plus it contains a CD player.

However, it is a bit wider than 13".

The CD/amp sections are nice. FM is OK for background music with the supplied antenna. AM is not so hot.

I'm in LA. The tuner's sound quality will vary with local, antenna/signal quality.
The Musical Fidelity X-series are great, but not that cheap, and it's not made anymore, so you have to settle for secondhand. I think, reconsidering this threat, I would go for the Teac Reference series, since it's pretty good, and you can buy new components to adjust the system to your needs (surround etc.).
Depending on how much high the shelf is, and your need for speakers, etc, the inexpensive Tivoli Audio stuff (Kloss design) might fit the bill. I'm thinking about some for an office system, but have only had the chance to hear it in a store under less than optimal conditions. It gets good reviews, but wonder what 'Goners think.