
Responses from dawgfish

worst cover songs.....
It's hard to believe that it's been two days without mention of William Shatner's cover of "Rocket Man"I also once heard a bastardized version of "Stairway to Heaven" that featured the lyrics from the "Gilligan's Island" theme song. Pretty sure th... 
Your Wish List for Reissue on Vinyl
How about a box set of the Johnny Cash "American Recordings" series? 
Female Jazz Singers...new person/new releases...
Here are two strong recommendations that I haven't seen listed yet: Valerie Joyce "New York Blue" (a Chesky recording) and Nikki Yanofsky, "Nikki." Both beautiful young women with beautiful voices. 
VPI Scout and Lyra
Bit different than your question, but I have a Lyra Delos on my VPI Classic and the combination is working very well. 
Live Performances Gone Awry
Was in the front frow for one of The Who farewell tours. Saw Pete Townsend windmill and cut his hand on the guitar pick-up. He tried to finish the song but was bleeding profusely and had to leave for hospital. Luckily, it was near end of concert, ... 
Naim Nait 5i-2 for Totem Sttaf
Like many previous posters, I haven't heard the Nait 5i2 - Totem Sttaf combo, but my office system consists of a Nait 5i2 driving Totem model 1 signatures and it is very satisfying. I'd expect the "house sound" of Totem to carry over and give you ... 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
A yes, the 70's. A time of bad hair, bad fashion, and at least SOME really bad music. I know, I was there...I'll leave it you to determine how good or bad these were, but they were the first to pop to mind:"Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" by Looking ... 
Mystical Performances
1. Santana "Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile" from "Moonflower"2. Second/third/whatever Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert"3. Dead Can Dance "Sanvean"4. Simon and Garfunkel "Bridge Over Troubled Water" 
Terrible/Inappopriate songs ...
Have to add my voice to the chorus naming songs that reduce enjoyment of Beatles albums. In my case, it's "Octopus' Garden" and "Maxwell Silver Hammer" from "Abbey Road." 
Favorite music
Great recommendation, Albert. Thanks so much.Happy listening! 
VPI Classic and new cartridge - which one?
Add another Classic/Delos combo to the list -- sounds great in my system, so I'm sure the Titan i would be a worthy candidate. 
Dunlavy SCIV - What amp are you using?
I once visited John Dunlavy at their shop in Colorado Springs and he domoed his speakers with Spectral amps and a passive pre-amp (don't recall the brand). For what it's worth.Happy listening... 
Any 5a owners?
Like many, I love my 5A's, too. Just curious:What amplification and source components will you be using?Did you get to hear and/or buy the 5A carbons?Happy listening! (But I guess that goes without saying...) 
Keith Jarrett Trio, Live stock
I seem to recall reading somewhere that Jarrett suffers from an almost debilitating stage fright and that the noises were part of his coping mechanism. Something like that -- though I can't remember the source, so don't know if this is just urban ... 
New pressing CSN debut - any good?
How do these new pressings compare to original pressings of CSN?