Power amp for Silverline Sonata III

Newbie from Australia here....

I'm looking for a power amp partner for my new Silverline Sonata III's.
Pre-amp is a Supratek Chardonnay.

I'm thinking 25 watts is enough (93db efficiency) but more is always nice.

I'm trying to keep the price under control here.
I play all sorts of music from chamber to jazz to trance and most stops in between, no country music though....

Would be interested in suggestions.
Forgot the rest of your question. I have no idea what happens inside the speaker so I don't know about the specific cross-over frequenies.
Thanks especially to Yohjo and Lissner.
My ex is gone too!

4 times V4 monoblocks would be a bit much......for the price I think simply a higher-end power amp may be a better investment......I like the look of the V4s though as a versatile choice.

I was really looking for something "so nice" in a 40-50 watt but it seems there is this gap between SETs and big push-pulls. The bigger Audio Arts look nice but well out of my price range.
The atma-spheres look interesting but I see the match with OTLs a bit of a risk withoout trying first and there is no local dealer.....
I am using a VTL Stereo 150 moddified with oil filled caps and NOS tubes. The sound is extrordinary, silky smooth clean highs, transparant mids and surprising, a tight bass.
I'm using Quicksilver Triode monoblocks, and cannot recommend them highly enough. You will have to contact Mike Sanders at www.quicksilveraudio.com if you are interested, as they are not on their website. They would be an incredible match for the Sonata III's as well.
Mike says you can't get the Triodes in 240v/ 50Hz though.
I was interested in those, very much so....