Power amp for Silverline Sonata III

Newbie from Australia here....

I'm looking for a power amp partner for my new Silverline Sonata III's.
Pre-amp is a Supratek Chardonnay.

I'm thinking 25 watts is enough (93db efficiency) but more is always nice.

I'm trying to keep the price under control here.
I play all sorts of music from chamber to jazz to trance and most stops in between, no country music though....

Would be interested in suggestions.
I had a look at the CJ site and the MV55 is still the "old-style" chassis, the last of those before the angled "buttress" style I think ??

I was actually in "Plinius town" last month :) I worked for the company that introduced Plinius to Australia....waaaay back when (early 80s)......a lot different range now though.

The Supratek pre's well known around here, they are tube pieces made in Western Australia. Mine emerges off the waiting list this week I'm told.

As for power amps, I think I've got the short list down to Quicksilver V4 or Atma-sphere M60 MkII. The OTL thing intrigues me, looks the way to go.
The multi-voicing I can do with the V4 is compelling though.
The OTL thing intrigues me too. I've heard the Atma-spheres briefly at the NY CES a couple of years ago but not with any other equipment I was familiar with. It seems the M60 MkII is the bread and butter of the line with extensive accolades. There is the S30 also, just for the record... I would love to hear the Sonatas with the M60's... I've read they're not the absolute best in bass slam, as compared to hearty SS but their clarity and speed are beguiling. The V4's would probably be deemed more traditional and the OTL's more exotic but again, the Sonata's inherent flexibility gives you these options like very few other speakers can. "On paper" so to speak you could make arguments for or against either camp but there's no doubt the true convincer would be an audition of each with your equipment... in an ideal world, so it would be. As is so often done, you can use price as a deciding factor to begin with... enjoy whatever you buy for a while (I'd estimate the V4's to likely be cheaper?) and just keep the others in mind for "down the road sometime" and possibly arrange an audition with them if the opportunity ever presents itself. Good luck.
Thanks Lissnr (and other contributors)

Being on the other side of the world from where it is all happening makes it hard to try all the possibilities, so I just have to "wing it" with as much good input as I can get, and working from a lot of experience too I guess.

In the meantime, the Sonatas sound superb with my zero-feedback SS amp, and I can't wait to get the amplification they deserve.