Mark Levinson 26 pre amp

Dear sirs,

It is so hard to find a 26 preamp now. I have purchased a 27 power amp and everyone told me I should match it with 26 preamp but I just can't find one in ebay or Audiogon for few months already. Can any one help?
You're right, it's very hard to find "Golden Age" Levinson gear cause everyone's hanging onto it. If you really want to drive yourself crazy with waiting, but wind up with an even better preamp than a ML 26, wait for a 26S. It's lightyears ahead sonically -- ditto for the 25 vs. the 25S phono preamp. And a great ML amp? The ML 23.5 over the ML 23 any day! One of the most musical (tube-like) SS amps ever made -- along with the 20.5 monoblocks.

All these units were produced with RCA connectors instead of Camacs in their later production runs, an especially helpful feature with the preamp The preamp is also more desireable with the optional pair (just one!) of balanced inputs (I use mine with my DAC)
Thanks Paul and Nsgarh,

It has been 4 months waiting already. Although some friend offer me 38 and 38s preamp as well as good preamp like ARC LS7 and Sphinx Project 8 etc. I want to wait for 26 or 26s because I don't want to try other preamp with a risk of not match of 27 power amp and then draw a conclusion of Mark amp is not good enough. Should someone know any 26 or 26s avaliabe. I am interest to buy at reasonable offer.