Used Rowland 302 or H2O Signatures CD Direct

I am looking for an amp to run a pair of Magnepan 20.1 speakers. I have heard great things about the H2O Signature Amps. My main concern is I have no preamp and don't plan on using one. I am using an Audio Aero CD Player directly. So the question is does the H2O amp require an active preamp? If so then would I be better served grabbing a used Rowland 302? Also I have read that the H2O requires a shielded Power cord. Does the unit come with one or would I have to buy one?

Thanks for your help...
Muslover --

I might be fairly well qualified to answer your question as I too, own an Audio Aero Capitole 24/192, and I auditioned the H2o stereo amp.

Bottom line -- I was not overly impressed. While the bass was some of (if not THE) best I have ever had in my system, the sound was just "lifeless". It was eminently clean and detailed, but again, lacked dynamic contrasts and full harmonic structure.

As I have read and heard nothing but positives about the H2o's, I and also Henry @ H2o, came to the conclusion that their was some type of impedence mismatch, or some other "lack of component synergy" between th Capitole and the H2o.

My advice -- I wouldn't even audition the amp/s unless you could borrow a decent preamp.

Good luck!
So there you have it. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me. System synergy is important. I have stated it before, when one enters the realm of the H2O, one has bought into a system change, as well. Those who are particularly fond of going direct to the amp, they should look elsewhere for their amp.
"Those who are particularly fond of going direct to the amp, they should look elsewhere for their amp."

Muralman1- excellent point. That's why I went with TacT preamp or DAC is required, and now their new models eliminate the need for a separate room correction unit.

Oh but now that I have the excellent "over achiever" of a preamp (the TAD Signature 150), don't you know I'm gonna be callin' Henry for another audition...;>)
FYI -- In the upcoming April/May "issue" of 6moons, they have the H2O M250 Signature Mono's slated for review.
