McIntosh ss preamp vs. ARC tube preamp

Do any McIntosh solid state preamps have as good sound quality as an ARC SP 9 II tube preamp?
I can't vouch for the ARC tubes (although I will try one some day) but my little C712 was significantly nicer than an LS-3b I had. It was much more involving, 3 dimensional, and just sounded more natural in general. I don't know if this helps you at all but it was a head-to-head comparison in my own system. You can always sell a Mc preamp for what you paid for it (if you buy used) so it is definately worth a try! Arthur
I own both ARC LS25 AND McIntosh C33 and C37 pre'. The ARC(WITH NOS TUBES) is detailed, lush, a wonderful pre, while the McIntosh's are.......well what can I say?
There is something about the look, feel and warmth of Mcintosh that lends itself to the audiophile experence. The more recent C42 which I have had a chance to demo is probley much more in line with the performace of ARC LS25 and has that McIntosh........
Many of the McIntosh solid state preamps would give even the more expensive tube preamps a "run for their money", if not just plain outperform the tube altogether...even the earlier vintage models like the C29, C30, C32, C33 and C34V are fantastic preamps...these models (and there are others) will do a great job, no matter what your listening preferences are...many have frequency equalizers to accomodate speaker and listening room variations...if you're more into listening to music ONLY without altering anything, that's possible with these preamps too...some of the later model McIntosh preamps are outstanding too...the C38, C40, C41, C42 and the new C45 are super preamps...these even offer remote control...the McIntosh equipment is built to last years, if not a looks great, sounds great and if you ever decide to do something different, the McIntosh "stuff" will always bring a very good can't go wrong!