Best intergrated amp for under $2000

Hi, I'm looking for some help assembling my first real 2 channel system. Total budget is $5000 (amp, speaker, cables, and maybe an entry level turntable).
I'm no audiophile, I'm just looking for great sound quality. I listen to pop, rock, acoustic, jazz. here's some items I've been checking out:

Amps---Rotel RC-1090 & RB-1080 or 1090, Unison Unico, PrimaLuna ProLogue 2, Musical Fidelity Ac3.2cr, A300cr or 308,
Pathos Acoustics Classic One, Krell 400xi.

Speakers-----PSB Platiumn M2, B&W 705,704,805, ATC active 10's, Please give me some suggestions. Thanks, Robert
I for got to mention I like full midrange and crisp highs. I'll check out the SimI5 & Plinius thanks for the tip. Has anyone heard the PSB Platinum M2's?
Audiomat Arpege/Prelude or more powerful Solfege if you can find one...lovely sounding pieces with exquisite workmanship
Rule one when asking a question like this: expect suggestions of anything other than what you put on your initial list.

I can't help much. I own an A300 paired with B&W N804's that I am quite happy with. Haven't heard any of the rest.

Best advice is to listen to as many as possible and decide for yourself. Having said that, if you can't, the MF is good as is a Creek 5350SE which I have also owned. Sorry, couldn't resist something else not on your list.