suggest tube amp wattage for my speakers..?

hi all, first post to the forum, had a quick question for those familiar w/ tube amplifiers (i have zero experience currently)... i have a pair of 61-SE loudspeakers from RBHsound, specs and information can be found at the following link..:

these loudspeakers have a power handling rating of 150w, and i have absolutely no idea what that translates to in terms of tube amplifiers... i don't want to invest in amplifiers that are inappropriate for my speakers, so any clarification on what would be proper in terms of wattage would be greatly appreciated... i should add, i am planning on going w/ a pair of monoblock amplifiers, if that makes a difference..!

thx in advance all, any insight would be greatly appreciated..!
How much power do you have now, as in 8-Ohm rating AND 4-Ohm rating? Do you feel you have enough power? Or are you clipping at your loudest levels now?
Beavis, I think your comment regarding the impedance curve of a speaker is truly overlooked.

I'd been told that my ProAc Response 2.5s despite their 86dB sensitivity rating would be SET friendly because of its mild impedance curve. To be honest, I have no idea what the impedance curve of my speaker looks like, but this weekend I found that my new 37wpc Bel Canto SET40 has more than enough beans to drive my ProAcs to very high listening levels. I was quite surprised to find that it had nearly the dynamics and bass weight of my BAT VK200.
thx for all the responses and links friends, from what i am reading here if i understand correctly i should be looking at driving 20-25w into these loudspeakers, yes?

Beavis, when you said "87dB sensitivity isn't very great. Recommend sticking with a larger push-pull amp.", are you saying that these loudpseakers are not appropriate for use w/ tube amplifiers at all? i should mention this setup is only for my home office, and will not be driven too loudly nor is it meant to serve more than casual personal use... i will be feeding the system w/ balanced audio output from my computers, into a tube preamplifier.

i should also mention, i do not have these loudspeakers yet, they are being built and are on their way in a couple of weeks... thx once again for all the input friends, and have a wonderful day..!
Daisho, I think what you need to consider is how Beavis' second point relates to his first point. If the speakers has a gentle impedance curve that doesn't have wild swings in it and doesn't dip too low, speakers with an 87dB sensitivity rating might be OK. My speakers are rated at 86dB but my 37wpc SET has no problems driving them with authority.
hi Gumbei, thx once again for your reply. i'm afraid my lack of knowledge and experience is going to start becoming more and more apparent w/ every post, i am reading up on what to me is unfamiliar terminology (impedance curve, sensitivity rating, etc.)... my experience w/ audio equipment is fairly limited, and all from the solid-state world, i have a Linn 51xx setup for my home theatre.

on a recent business trip i had the opportunity to hear a tube-based system for the first time at a clients house, he had a small setup in his office made up of a pair of Linn Katan loudspeakers and monoblock 'Dared' (?) monoblock amplifiers... while i don't know the specifics of his setup aside from the above, he did mention that none of it was anything too pricey, as far as audiophile equipment goes. now the sound produced however, i will admit, i was just stunned.

the sounds had such a rich tone and warm quality, so very different from the digitized hard-edged tones i am used to hearing from audio equipment. i decided i wanted to do the same thing and enjoy such wonderful output in my home office as well... i apologize for my absolute lack of 'snap' when it comes to this subject, i will be doing more reading to try to get a handle on what kind of units i should go w/, and if anyone can offer any other general input on what sort of monoblocks i might be wanting to look at for my soon-to-arrive RBHsound 61-SE's would be great, even if it were just loosely suggested specs as far as wattage, or any factor that should be important when making such a selection.

i should add, i'm looking to keep the amplifier purchases somewhere under the $2000 USD mark, for what its worth... thx again all..!