Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody

I will have a Supratek Chenin in my set up in a day or so. Since so many folks are rolling tubes around here I was hoping to garner a comprehensive list of everybodies favorite tube compliments. Be it NOS or NIB or WLATB (Whatever's layin around the basement)
Being that the "Deal of the Century" thread is a little more like a novel I figured this would be a good place to post questions and answers related to one subject of Supratek amps and pres.
On to the subject of me. I don't have immediate plans to swap tubes as I've figured that Mr. Maloney would supply us with something listenable for the break in period. But, since so many have reported such dramatic improvments I want to ask this question:
What is your favorite compliment for quietest gain and dynamics in the phono stage?
I will be using the Chenin exclusively for vinyl ( I don't have a CD player) and listen to loads of early rock and roll and Jazz bands, smaller jazz bands mostly, quartets and quintets. Some classical, the usual Beethoven and Mozart, but usually just a lot of loud garage rock.
Ok, now lets see what happens.
Hi Gang. Raytheprinter, the ge 6sn7gtb sidegetter is a very good inexpensive tube option for those that don't want to pay the price for a pair of kenrad blacks, tung-sol rounds,or the metal based sylvania vt-231. In my experience... there are only 4 to 5 6sn7 types I could live with in the supratek and all of them are rather pricey,with the exception of the ge sidegetter. The ge sidegetter [gta or gtb] is the a very well balanced tube, with a midbass punch and resolution that will compete or surpass any of the tubes mentioned above . Further is clean,clear and typically very low in noise with no microphonic tendencies so common in the better sounding 6sn7's. doesn't possess the midband bloom and holographics of the Ken's or tungsol's but it is certainly an over achiever when price is a consideration and unquestionably the best "bang for the buck" tube choice for the supratek's.