Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody

I will have a Supratek Chenin in my set up in a day or so. Since so many folks are rolling tubes around here I was hoping to garner a comprehensive list of everybodies favorite tube compliments. Be it NOS or NIB or WLATB (Whatever's layin around the basement)
Being that the "Deal of the Century" thread is a little more like a novel I figured this would be a good place to post questions and answers related to one subject of Supratek amps and pres.
On to the subject of me. I don't have immediate plans to swap tubes as I've figured that Mr. Maloney would supply us with something listenable for the break in period. But, since so many have reported such dramatic improvments I want to ask this question:
What is your favorite compliment for quietest gain and dynamics in the phono stage?
I will be using the Chenin exclusively for vinyl ( I don't have a CD player) and listen to loads of early rock and roll and Jazz bands, smaller jazz bands mostly, quartets and quintets. Some classical, the usual Beethoven and Mozart, but usually just a lot of loud garage rock.
Ok, now lets see what happens.
Ecclectique,i sure feel pressured to find the combination of tubes i like best, and buy a lifetime supply of them,before the cost gets beyond my reach!Your response is very well written,even i understood it ,thanks.Would it be possible to add a tube socket to each channel on a standard Supratek preamp ?
Hi Raytheprinter. Man, you have been on a mission lately!...and a very fine system sir. Didn't mean to put any pressure on you. I see you have already discovered the Kenrad vt-231....a great tube in the supratek. How did the sylvania 5v4 work out for you? It can be marginal for the supratek's with a phono stage unless it test's close to 100%. You may or may not experience a little image shift or wander when playing vinyl. Both examples of the 5v4g that I have do ehibit this peculiar trait.
Ecclectique,Thank you! Im still trying to decide how i feel about the 5V4G,,will report back in a few days!Did i already mention how much i like the Kenrads!!!
Iwas wondering if any of the NOS 6SN7s sound close to the KR VT231s,,RCA maybe?
Ecclectique, I'm intrigued by your explanation of your switch to the 7193, but am a little more than confused yet on the actual process-electronics not being one of my strong suites. I'm wondering if you or someone else who has done the switch would consider posting a step-by-step expose of the operation and being very specific? (I have a Sauvignon , but system is not up and running yet.)