McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1

Has anyone tried any of the big Mac amps with Magnepan 20.1? I'm in the search for an amp. I'm considering:

Krell 400/450
McIntosh 501/602
Rowland 302
H2O Signature Mono

I'm running an Audio Aero CD player so no preamp is involved. I have heard to bypass the H20 and Rowland since I don't have a preamp but I haven't had a chance to try it in my setup.

I have heard the JC-1's with the 20.1 (broken in), I think they sound fantastic. Dynamic, deep, and fast. Great match.

That said, I reiterate my earlier suggestion, especially since I have seen some on sale here for $7k, the Innersound monoblocks (KW) are the best match I have ever heard on the very fine 20.1's.
I’m running the 20.1 with the new MC2301 from Mcintosh. Before that I’ve used a Plinius 250MK4. This was the combo I really loved. But now with the macs I’m in heaven.

That`s it.

My wife jumps around and my kids forced me to play playsation. Sometimes you have to ignore the world around you and try to fined ways to communicate this nice. So I convinced my wife to do some helpful cleaning work and my kids try to reach my high score at grand turismo 5 until they come back to me.

Love them all. Enjoying every second.

Hope you will do so soon.

A friend went from the ARC Ref. 210s to the Mac 1201 monoblocks with his system. Huge improvement in the way the music is presented, and in detail and bass. The sound stage depth was flat and now is crazy deep. Great amps.
That said, he uses all the power the Macs have to give when playing loud music. I hear this combo alot, and They sound great together.