Do i need AC conditioner w/dedicated AC lines?

I have completely, seperate 30 AMP AC runs for each of my mono block amplifiers, that go all the way to my circuit box.

No other "taps" are taken off of these lines so, would any type of line conditioner really benefit me?

there are those that will jump up and down saying that this was my plan all along i.e. to string along the various forums, build up a reputation via visibility factor and then launch a product line

I won't listen to 'em if they do. I reckon there are always folks who project their own worst motives onto others without looking to see their own faults. The process you describe--discussion, reflection, testing ideas, thinking out loud as you help others--sounds like the creative process to me. That in this way you should discover something others want to enjoy too is a natural outcome. And deserves encouragement and congratulation, by the way.
Thanks for referring me to this thread from my own.

Your suggestion for parallel line filters at each of the outlets that feed the amps sounds great. Simple. Cost effective. Less is more. BUT, like many others, I don't want to fool around with electricity.

It seems to me that if you can bundle the capacitors, the wires, proper connections, and a single outlet (Perhaps, all anchored to a sturdy face plate.) in a unit small enough to fit in the standard outlet box, then installing it could be as simple as changing an outlet. That I can do.

If you choose not to manufacture a unit that implements your suggestions, then don't leave us hanging like this. Please describe the capacitors to be used and the manner of their installation, and I will pay an electrician to do the job. For me, that would be better then waiting and hoping that someone else will implement these ideas, and in the meantime waste some money on conditioners.
Good point, John. Well said. Sean...?

By the way, Chris Venhaus of VH Audio does basically this exact thing in his Hot Box w/Filter upgrade. He might be willing to rig outlets with filter caps. Not sure how easily they'd fit into a gang box, though?
Tvad: You are losing me in your opening line i.e. "Sean...?"

Tobias ( and Denf): I was not suggesting that you build your own parallel line filters and install them in the outlet. While i had in my mind the use of something along the lines of the Audioprism Quiet Lines, Enacomm AC line filters, Blue Circle BC 86 Noisehounds, etc... I thought that i had mentioned these in my original post on the subject. As i just checked, i guess i overlooked such things. Sorry about that.

As to building your own parallel line filters, some of this info was discussed in another Agon thread pertaining to AC systems. I do not recommend anyone that is not familiar with AC or the safety hazards of working with AC to mess around with any of their household wiring and / or outlets.

As others that have contacted me directly for private help have found, i won't be responsible for someone getting injured or killed by being the one to suggest that they do something that is both potentially dangerous and / or illegal. If you want to take that risk, that decision will be your own without any of my influence. Having said that, i will do what i can to answer questions as best that i can, but i am not a licensed or certified electrician. Nor am i familiar with all of the various State, Federal or local codes that may apply.

Just keep in mind that should something happen to your gear / personal property due to an AC related problem, your insurance policy may not cover the damages if they find sub-standard wiring or modifications to the existing AC system. Sean