Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?

I have owned both expensive gear (and I do mean expensive) and ''budget'' gear. Many components are mind-boggling on a price-paid versus performance ratio. Three of my favorites are:

1. The Bedini clarifier. This gizmo just plain works. You may like - or not - the difference it makes on your cd's. In my case, it clears up a lot of fog. The cheapest upgrade to ALL my cd's.

2. The Cayin TA-30 integrated amplifier . So much performance and flexibility for so little money. Put it up against anything up to 3 times the price, musically and from a build-quality perspective. Just plain amazing.

3. The Apple i-Pod Mini. Yes, even from in an audiophile application, playing cd's (not downloaded MP3's). You can snob it but you cannot ignore it.

What are YOUR picks ?
MrdB, I was just trying to figure out (from what you said)if there was a Monster speaker cable before Bruce's design, because I don't recall one. I certainly agree with the "marketing genius" part (as opposed to technical genius ;--)
The " original " Monster Cable might or might not have been time aligned (this was about 30 years ago) and I truly cannot remember. But the dealer networks (I was at one at the time) were sent this little Monster box display (it was clear to see through) that had a high quality switch with a 1 foot pair of this Monster cable and a 1 foot pair of zip cord. It connected to an amp (the amp was chosen by the dealer) and a pair of speakers (again selected by the dealer). It was easily apparent the improvement when switched over to the Monster.
1-PS Audio HCA-2 amplifier
2-Kimber PBJ interconnect
3-Hsu Research HRSW-10 subwoofers
4-Rotel RCD-855 cd player
5-Apogee Stage loudspeaker
bel canto dac 3
rogue audio m180s
revel f52s
oh yeah , most wire, sounds different when you change the direction the cable is facing, regardless of manufacturer.