PS Audio "Gain Cell" Amps & Preamps?

Has anyone out there heard or bought PS Audio's new digital "Gain Cell" power amps, integrated amps, and preamp yet?
If so, how do they sound & compare to other products on the market?
I hear they are based on the ICE modules.
Thanks for your time.
Sam Ho, Henry Ho, Chin Ho...Don Ho.

Who knew there were so many Hos.


If anyone knows hoes...Gunbei knows.

"I have just finished my evaluation of the GCC-250 for The Stereo Times. It should be published in about a month. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but let's just say that my review will present an interesting contrast to Mr. Ho's."

Gee-Plato, aka Frank A., are we suppose to be impressed that a ST reviewer posts information here on audiogon? Does CP approve of his staff prebaiting their unpublished
ST reviews on audiogon? HoHoHo!
The Australia PS audio distributor hasd one of the pre's. His comment was it sounded OK for the price but his Herron line stage was a lot better.
In other words, no big deal despite PS's hype.