leave solid state power amps on?

Is it good idea to leave solid state power amps on continuously? Will doing so dry out caps shortening life span?
Check the archives, this topic has been covered many, many times. The general consensus is that you should leave it on 24/7, except durning a thunderstorm.
Actually leaving it on all the time is better for the caps.
Long periods of non-use is much worse for any capacitor.
The on-off cycling is also not as good as leaving it on all the time.
My suggestion is to turn power amps off when not in use for long periods of time say overnight this includes tubed pre-amps. Solid State Pre-amps and CD players are ok to leave on 24/7. You should ask the manufacturer of your power amp what they suggest. My suggestion is covered on the Conrad Johnson web-site and is their recommendation as well.

Thought I'd chime in. I'm STRICTLY speaking of MY experience with Krell amps:

Having spoken to Steven - A head service guy at Krell - He said to absolutely NOT leave the Krells on 24/7. He said to shut them off when not in use. It heat created is NOT good for the Caps. He likened it to leaving you car idling in your driveway all the time - not good.

The newer FPB Krells go into a standby mode anyway when the FRONT on/off button is pushed.