Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha

Currently using Kimble Kables 8TC to connect the amp to the Sasha speakers. But would like to upgrade to better suit higher end gear. Amp is Plinius SA-Reference, source is Wadia S7i cd player/DAC. Plinius connects to the Wadia by Transparent MusicLink Super interconnects.

What speaker cable would be recommended for my situation? I would prefer to keep the cost under $3,500. Cable length would be 20 feet.
That's too much money to take chances. I would call The Cable Company and have some demo cables sent out so you can try them first. I would definitely consider going with something solid core. I have some Tara on my Wilson's that work very well. AQ is good too.
+1on the Auditorium 23, not well known (marketed). I have them in my reference system and the aren't crazy $$$ I believe they run $950/8feet. FWIW I have Kimber TC12's in my office setup.
Happy New Year, Shivaji-

I would strongly suggest to match Transparent speaker cables to your system. Contact Transparent and ask for Brad.
He is helpful and easy to work w/ on building a cable/power cord system. Keep me posted and happy listening! JA