Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.

Based on some of your commends and a sparse BFS review, I'm taking the plunge. I really hope it will sound good in my system. The guy I bought it from says it's ultra smooth, lush, and just seductive. He also carries the DK VS1 integrated and prefers the Jungson sound over the DK. The Jungson LE is supposed to have better build quality and sells for $1300 less! Any comments on the Jungson is welcome.
How hot does it run, guys? I almost bit on this one a few weeks ago and got scared off by the Class A stuff. I am in the South and already have an elevated cooling bill. Plus the audio room gets lots of sun (not on the equipment though) and stays warmer than the rest of the house anyway. Short of a new A/C duct piped in I would be roasting with a hot amp. Already there are days when I have to have the ceiling fan on, that's no good for listening with the constant whirr being like an elevated noise floor.
For class A it runs cool. Not like class a/b or digital of course. But dosen't seem to be any warmer then a Jolida tube amp I had in the system. No problem holding your hand on it as long as you want.

BW Maxx
I agree with Maxx. It's one of the more cooler running class A amps. Nothing like the Krell integrated on which you can fry an egg. My room is 15'x12'x8' and it doesn't warm up the room like my last 30 watt tube integrated. Basically it warms up a room like a coventional 30" TV. If you look inside the amp, there's an elaborate array of copper heat sinks that helps to cool the amp efficiently.

Interesting reading guy's,
From everyones description of the 88 I'm thinking it could mate well with my new Klipsch RF7's for 2 channel listening.
102DB! Man that leaves amp selection wide open. The 88D of course as stated by those who have heard it has a tube like midrange. No brightness, grain or grit in the highs and plenty of power for a 80wpc amp.

Some seem to feel Klipsch are ideal for SET amps. However the 88D is not Euphoric like some tube amps. What amp are you using now? I mean if any SS amp will synergize well with the Klipsch the Jungson would be near top of the list.

So how it would sound to you would be of course based on what you have currently and what you are looking for.

I'm not trying to discourage you from the Jungson. Just trying to get across the point that with speakers like Klipsch and 102DB effeciency there may be better options.

Again though it could be the match you are looking for :)

Hope this helped some.

BW Maxx