Bryston VS Musical Fidelity

Hi gang,

I'm looking for opinions on this. Has anyone compared
The Bryston 4BSST to the Musical Fidelity A5 power amp?
Where are you located? I live on Staten Island and might be able to help you in your decision. Email me off list or at least let me know.

TVAD,I owned a Belles,which has tubes in the Pre amp, and Iowned a VAC Avatar,and have owned several CJ pieces over the years; I even questioned Fleming Rasmussen of Gryphon about using a Tube in the pass through for the tube sound.
I have probably spent more on tube gear in my life than most people spend all together on all equipment. Plus the Integrated I own now, has a $250 pair of Telefunken tubes. What walk, and what talk am I missing? Plus it is possible that everyone 'needs'something different than they want.
Advise is only valuable if it broadens the perspective of the enqirer.
Lrsky, I was specifically referrring to tube amps since the originator of this thread is asking about amps, not preamps. So, with that in mind, neither the Belles nor the DK qualify since they're not tube amps. I was not aware of the Avatar or the CJ pieces. Nevertheless, the originator of this thread is enquiring about a solid state amp in the $2000 price range...specifically the Bryston 4B SST or MF A5, and now a Rotel. What amp might you recommend in this price range as an alternative?

First of all, I never think in terms of an 'amp' as a separate entity. My experience tells me that matching of goods, that is amps and pre amps are more important than just the individual piece. For example, while an amp may sound great, it only sounds great potentially, and that if it's matched with the correct pre amp, speakers, and so on. I am a fan of matching tube pre amps with solid state amps, though, with the 'neutralization' (just call me Ogden Nash) of some tube pre amps this has changed radically over the past few years.
Now, with that said, what SS amp do I recommend? As much as I hate to kill retail sales people, a used Ayre amp, with the bias set to 1400. instead of their ususal 900 works great for me. It sounds like tubes, though not as much as people say. Black background, detailed, articulate sound stage. On Audiogon right now there's a V3 for sale for 1325. I believe. And if you call the factory they will do some things to the amp, making it much better than anything near the price, IMHO.
Again, speakers, amps cables, and so on are always a synergism. It is impossible to simply tell someone (for me) what an amp sounds like. The variables are simply too great.
Also, when someone 'tells me' they 'need' 300 WPC, I ask them more questions. How big is the room, what is your speaker, your listening tastes, music preference, and what do you think is loud?
IMHO people give out too much even though it's free, cheap information.

Then there are some of the newer, but used McIntosh's which use the Toshiba transistors, which are detailed and sweet at the same time.
Not thought of as an audiophile product for a long time, McIntosh has really come light years recently.
The choices are endless
Ayre V3. Thanks, Lrsky.

There's a new idea worth considering Greg_lett. In my time knowing Lrsky, he usually comes up with an idea ot two that could significantly change your system for the better.