Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs

Hi .. I am fairly new to this site, however I do have a question that is on my mind. I own a Plinius 9200 Integrated Amp ... and am auditioning a pair of Magnepan 3.6R speakers. My question/concern ... when driven to acceptable volumes (volume control to around 11 o'clock or slightly greater) how hot should I expect this amplifier to run with the Maggie's load? It would seem to me that it's rather hot after about 30 minute's use, but I have no reference to compare it to. Should I choose more efficient speakers with a higher impedance?? Or is the Plinius a normally hot running amp. It is located in a well ventilated in an open rack. Any comments/advice would be much appreciated!!
Room Size is 14 x 19 and I was using MG1.6QRs but not happy with the construction quality ... thus testing out the 3.6Rs. To clarify, the amp runs warm when at modest volume but becomes "hot" when at higher volumes. I can hold my hand on top of the unit and not get burned, however it does seem warmer than I would expect. I guess the question is .. how hot is too hot??
If you can hold your hand to the fire [sorry], that sounds about right for a typical Class A amp. A less subjective measure would be to procure a digital or analog meat/oven thermometer and place it on/near the heatsink. 120F is the maximum value I'd want to see. My 35W class A Death of Zen runs there or slightly higher when pushed, which is rare as the speakers are high-efficiency and thus tax the amp that much less. Some feel No amp should be driven hard, but with Maggies the point is academic. That said, nearly any modern, well-designed [for 4 ohm loads] amp should work well. The Plinuius certainly falls in this category. If the PLinius is brigeable, perhaps a second one might solve the dilemma. But that's a lot of money to throw at this potential non-problem. Keep us posted and good luck.