Is Odyssey Power amp Stratos better than Krell?


Would like to ask you guys about odyssey stratos power amplifier (extreme & monoblock range). Does this amp really good compare to, i.e Krell, plinius?

lots of reviewers gave high rating (audioreview) and they claimed that the sound is better than Krell, Plinius...very transparent, firm bass and imaging.

I'm using Krell KSA80B, are they better for a change?..I Listen to Sting, norah jones, Sarah McLachlan, Radiohead, Coldplay..etc.

Thanks for any inputs
Thanks Guys for the kind words.
No, I never bash other equipment or companies, but on the other hand I won't recommend bad gear or unstable personalities either.
Man, I'm trying so hard here to make a livelihood and like all of you, support my family and kids. I'm trying to make sure that for people who don't have $$$$ of disposable income, the real high end is still obtainable. I never ripped anybody off, and I truly, truly believe in decency and honesty above all. As a matter of fact, I'm a pretty bad business person because otherwise I wouldn't do so much work pro bono or at cost in order to help out some of my customers. This is VERY, VERY important to me, to keep a friendship sort of relations with customers if they want it, of course. The human side is all that. After all, yes, this is my living, but it's also a hobby for all of us, a shared interest, let's never forget this.

This is now directly directed towards Overhang:
Man, your post was really disappointing, and yes, I know what you just did earlier today, which is really, really low. Did I offend you that much in clarifying your response ? Are you that much insecure and willing to damage somebody elses reputation and livelihood nilly willy because you feel like it ? Don't you think that there are consequences to others ?

Anyway, Overhang, this deeply disappoints me on a human level, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Think of it in terms as to somebody showing up on yor job and putting you down, trying to get you fired. Somebody you never knew.

Klaus, as someone who has met you, talked to you, looked you in the eye, shook your hand, and read your last post, I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt, you are a first class, decent human being.

After listening to you, I must say that I am most impressed. I think the audio community should really be given a far greater insight into who you are, and what you are actually out there doing. I think many people would then investigate the gear from the much underexposed Odyssey.

What Klaus is doing is taking the very highly regarded, very upmarket (read expensive), made in Germany Symphonic Line equipment, and manufacturing it in the USA. Taking advantage of the cost savings in labor, shipping, currency fluctuations, etc., he is able offer this equipment for truly a fraction of the price. Along the way, he is providing us with great sound, fantastic customer service, jobs in the USA, and an immediately apparent dedication to the hobby. Personally, I find the whole thing to be most remarkable,
Really you believe it was revelation, I have found them very unrefined, coarse sounding, one of the worst. I'm not kidding.
For me revelation was Wavac, BAT (Sound&Singer) on the cheaper but still not cheap side: VAC,Manley I know they are much more expensive, and it could be heard... They were revelation I cannot afford (at least now), Oddyssey I could but I would not be able listen to it, sorry.
Sorlowski, I am sorry to hear that you feel this way.

While one of the bigger tube afficianados on the site, I think you can see where I stand as far as Odyssey goes. My friend who is not an audiophile gave it a serious listen, and found it fit into her budget after she began to hear the differences between true high end audio equipment and what she had always assumed was available to her.