Is Odyssey Power amp Stratos better than Krell?


Would like to ask you guys about odyssey stratos power amplifier (extreme & monoblock range). Does this amp really good compare to, i.e Krell, plinius?

lots of reviewers gave high rating (audioreview) and they claimed that the sound is better than Krell, Plinius...very transparent, firm bass and imaging.

I'm using Krell KSA80B, are they better for a change?..I Listen to Sting, norah jones, Sarah McLachlan, Radiohead, Coldplay..etc.

Thanks for any inputs
It is common knowledge that SS have better bass, but Conrad Johnson on HE 2004 have bass equal to the best SS I have heard, with exception to Spectral (I have never heard anything like this before it was vulcanlike rumbling). But musicality of tubes will be hard to beat for year to come if ever possible. As for Digital Amp they were able to make Grand Utopia to sound mediocre on HE 2003 it is big achievement, the some speakers years earlier with Lamm monoblocks mesmerized me, I could not believe my ears, IT WAS MUSIC, MUSIC!!!
I cannot say much about Krell, as I've never owned any, but the Odyssey Stratos-yes. I owned a pair for a few months. Found them harsh in upper treble and "hummed" in my system. The Odyssey had some awsome attributes- great soundstage, depth, bass and presence, but one big BUT- fatigue. I could not listen to these for long periods due to the graininess in the treble. May have been cables, may have been my room,etc. The best match for my Avalon Eclipse were a pair of BAT 60s.
I cannot recommend The Odessey.
Oregon, that is an interesting conclusion & a good point! Imagine all the different variables that come into play when a person does his review. The type of cabling, associated gear and or tube preamps (the tube types used) & the type of speakers being used. When I finally get my system up & running, after doing all the different tweaks to obtain the perfect sound, sometimes I screw it all up by inserting a new component. I have to start all over again, its crazy. I have learned a long time ago to keep on hand different cables, at least two different types of preamps, various tubes, & finally a couple of power amps. This way you can reach your final conclusions on a piece of gear since you tried most everything else. We all got to love this hobby!
How do you know that Odyssey are great components ? Maybe instead of keeping bunch of cables and preapms would be enough to replace Odyssey ? I believe that manufacturer did great job to find right pre, cdp and cables to present them to audience of HE 2004, 2005.
And even that I did not like them, to say delicately, not that I liked any equipment in that price range.
Sorlowski, I own a Odyssey Stratos amp with cap upgrade, picked it up used on Audiogon sometime ago. I have never owned an Odyssey preamp. I have tried various CJ & ARC preamps on the Odyssey amp with excellent results. I would select interconnects (from my stash) that I know would tame any brightness present or increase it. I have to admit that long before Audiogon, I was bringing home gear every weekend from a local hifi shop just to try so I had a good idea what sounded good. Your right who would know better than the manufacturer as to what cables etc. to use at the audio show on the other hand who would know better than I, what combinations sound good together in my home. Sorlowski you must know audiophiles that have more than one system or at least a couple of different power amps/preamps, correct?