Is Odyssey Power amp Stratos better than Krell?


Would like to ask you guys about odyssey stratos power amplifier (extreme & monoblock range). Does this amp really good compare to, i.e Krell, plinius?

lots of reviewers gave high rating (audioreview) and they claimed that the sound is better than Krell, Plinius...very transparent, firm bass and imaging.

I'm using Krell KSA80B, are they better for a change?..I Listen to Sting, norah jones, Sarah McLachlan, Radiohead, Coldplay..etc.

Thanks for any inputs
I wonder if the reason some of you guys mess around with so much tweaking is because maybe we are choosing the wrong gear?

I usually try to find stuff I love outright, I dont go nutz over cables, cones, etc etc...It just seems too compulsive to me.
Jsujo, it is not a matter of choosing poor gear than trying to make it sound better with cabling but rather extracting the maximum performance from gear you do have & love. I use to think that these tweaks don't make a difference but they really do. They won't however transform an inferior system.
I hear ya...maybe I am just to lazy, or my 90% performance is good enough,,,in all fairness, it can be fun...

I think once I have my dream system, I may feel compelled.
Jsujo, I looked at your system you have posted & I think it looks spectacular! You may have already achieved 100% of the sound your looking for and can be satisfied with. Only real way to find out is to compare to other similiarly priced systems. I would love to bring my favorite CDs to your home and listen or fly in and listen to some of the other excellent systems that are posted, not always practical. The best thing would be to live next door to an audiophile.