Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha

Currently using Kimble Kables 8TC to connect the amp to the Sasha speakers. But would like to upgrade to better suit higher end gear. Amp is Plinius SA-Reference, source is Wadia S7i cd player/DAC. Plinius connects to the Wadia by Transparent MusicLink Super interconnects.

What speaker cable would be recommended for my situation? I would prefer to keep the cost under $3,500. Cable length would be 20 feet.
"01-06-15: Audiolabyrinth
Hi Zd542, what model Tara Cables do you have on your system?, everyone know's Tara Labs is my favorite cables above anything else, still, I do like Transparent cables, back in the day, Dan D Agostino when he was with krell, Dave Wilson, and Transparent cables were very good friend's, they started their business at the same time, and in turn, they use to have each other's equipment in one system for show audition's, do you remember that back years ago?"

Sorry, I just noticed that post. I have The 2 IC's and speaker cables. And yes, I do remember back that far. I remember comparing The 2's to the Decades and as luck would have it, I preferred The 2's and they were only twice as much money as the Decade's. A bargain if there was ever was one.

Also, regarding Transparent, have you ever noticed that everyone complains about the boxes on MIT cables but not on Transparent? I always wondered why that was so.

One last thing, before I forget. No doubt you noticed this person, Cody I think, says he's from Tara and is asking a bunch of weird questions. Is he for real? His posts are really strange, and there's something about them that just doesn't seem legit. If you don't know who he is, its probably safe to assume that he's not with Tara.
Hi Zd542, no, I have not noticed any one named Cody that say's he is from Tara lab's, what user name does he go by?, also, to be clear here, I know every one on the entire staff at Tara Lab's, and cody is not one of them, you can E-mail me to further conversate about this matter, likly would be best., thankyou for your reply, and the Tara lab's The Two is a fine cable, congrat's.

I knew his posts were BS. There are not the kind of topics that anyone at Tara would bring up. My guess is that he's from this company Behold. He made these 2 posts.

"Hello! My name's Cody; I work for TARA Labs. Not here to promote anything, this is just a disclaimer.

It seems that the majority of termination requests we receive at TARA Labs are for balanced (XLR) lines. Personally, I use unbalanced (RCA) interconnects with my Cary system setup, which seems to work quite well. I would be interested in hearing other opinions regarding XLR vs RCA?

(Please note that I have posted this on a few forums. I am not spamming, but rather would like to hear a wider range of opinions. I will make an effort to respond to all appropriate posts.)
Codytara  (Threads | This Thread)


"Hello again!

We at TARA Labs have been having a lot of fun auditioning new components for our listening room. One recent subject is our Behold Gentle G192 Media Player. It functions as a music server, amplifier and preamplifier, DAC, and DSP corrector. Musically the sounds are very detailed and well-defined, but without the analytical nuance quality that some digital components produce. Rather the sound seems well extended, airy and open overall. Has anyone else tried this media player? Are there any similar products that you have had good experiences with?
Codytara  (Threads | This Thread)


See what he's doing? In the first post he's kind of breaking the ice by talking about the connectors. Then, when he thinks he built up some credit, we get post number 2. There's really no question that he's a fraud. I'm sure that if Tara contacts Audiogon, they'll shut him down immediately.

Now, the most important question. How the hell did you miss those 2 posts! lol! You're like a bloodhound for any threads mentioning Tara products.
Zd542, please direct me to this, I cannot catch everything, only humane,with those post, I agree with you, a fraud that need's investagated!