Request for assistance please room treatment

I do have it treated now, but I don't think it's correct. I need to treat it properly. I've tried a multitude of different positions, absorption, diffusion, trapping, etc. and my walls are starting to look like swiss cheese. I'm at the point now where I need to strip the room, putty, sand, and paint. But when I re-install the room treatments, they have to go in the correct position the first time. This is where your assistance comes in. I've tried many different web sites and so on, but it all seems best guess. I'm hoping to lean upon your "experience".
My room is 22'long, 11'wide, and 7'4" high, and is in a finished concrete basement. I look forward to reading your suggestions.
Thank You.
Now you know why acoustic design engineers get paid mega bucks. All will tell you designing a concert hall is a crap shoot.
Nope, not the OP just someone following this thread. I do own a RS sound pressure meter and a frequency test CD. I like the sound of my room however think with further exploration might be better tuned. As stated above, it takes time and effort. Part of the fun!

Thanks Shawnlh for the opportunity to share your thread.
I see mentions of the RS SPL meter. I suggest getting the Studio Six apps for your I/O device. It is waaaay more flexible and accurate. It does so much more than just SPL. I even grab it for professional use, even though we own really expensive B&k instruments. It is just so convenient and well thought out. I am going to be carrying one tomorrow at a show I am working at.

Also, while looking at frequency info is certainly useful, combining that with the time domain gives you a much better picture of what is going on in a room. You really need to look at both to analyze a room. Pretty cheap to do these days with Studio Six!
I have gone so far as to reading Master Handbook of Acoustics, watching lectures and doing room measurements. For the novice, like you and me, it takes trial and error. The initial big deal seems like speaker positioning, then addition of acoustic treatments. Its important to keep in mind that acoustics behavior changes a lot depending on frequency. Simplified, treating high frequencies, which behave more like rays reflecting off boundaries is easier and very different from low frequencies which are subject to room modes, while "middle" frequencies act like waves. Acoustic management also has to be split up in both frequency and time domains, which are interrelated.

I'm with Richz (of course he is an expert and I am not) and also somewhat disagree about the SPL meter alone. Acoustic software like Room EQ wizard with microphone, and usb audio interface yields more precise, more accurate and more user-friendly results along with reverberation time information. IMO well worth the relatively modest extra cost.

You can look at bobgolds (online) room acoustic calculator to get some idea what you are dealing with but its not going to be perfectly accurate.