Audiomat Opera/Recital


I was wondering what othes think of Audiomat's Opera and if anyone has heard their newest amp the Recital? If someone has, can you tell me if the Recital is worth the extra $7,000.00. I have heard the Opera and it is amazing.


For me the tonal balance of these amps is wrong and there are far better choices out there, even for less money.
jbello, could you tell me what amps are better for, if posible, I will try and hear them? I'm certainly open to purchasing more for less.
The Opera is outstanding - it ended my amplifier merry-go-round of some 20 moderately-priced amps (mostly solid-state or digital) and sounds best with its stock tubes.

Extremely natural, warm but not syrupy, harmonically rich, textured bass, extended highs, and a big holographic multi-layered soundstage. A big step up from the Arpege Reference, which is also a very nice sounding amp, albeit a bit rolled off in the highs and less-defined bass.

As jbello is fond of saying... "trust your ears", and try to audition it in your system. Haven't heard the Recital though...