Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hi guys

Anyone recommend amps for my new Obelisks? I heard the Plinius 9200 was ok but wondered if tubes would do it? Like these:

Or high power Mcintosh?
Jungson JA-50 monos?

My music is rock and electronic biased with lots of live music etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts!


Richard H
Hassel, I would like very much to be able to get your friend's impressions of the sound with his Plinius, compared to his Bedini monos. Please feel free to pass along this request and email me via Agon. I will send back a response so you get my email address.
I recently (two weeks ago) sent an email to Shahinian asking a question that is not answered on the website.
A reply was received late the following day.

From the Shahinian website:

Contrary to some feedback we have received, our loudspeakers have never been designed to work with only one kind of electronics; however, our preference in electronics has always been solid state, even though tubes can work well if done properly.

Our top 3 favorites for manufacturers of the most musical separates are Bedini as our long time #1, with Plinius and Dynavector as recent additions.

For more affordable separates, as well as what we feel are the world's best integrated amplifiers, no one rivals Creek.
I have an Accuphase 80/81 source going straight into VTL 300 monoblocks into Obelisks. It is the best I have heard.
I also have a Levinson ML-3, Accuphase integrated, and various other SS and tube amps. No one comes close to the VTL (in triode mode) with the Obelisks for full musical range. It is truly the most palpable sound I have out of a system (a Decware Zen into Klipsch Fortes comes close on vocal and accoustic solos). (I have also run a Sony SCD-777ES to Electronic Visionary (EVS) attenuators for SACD.)
I heard the Obelisk's back in 1977 demoed by Richard Shahinian personally. This was at that Fall's NYC Audio Show. Signal source was a TT (don't remember the make) with a MC cartridge. Amplification was a pre/power combination by PSE (Professional Systems Engineering). 100 watts@8ohms. Superb sound from the classical symphonic LP's that Richard played! Best sound of that genre of music of all the exhibitors!