Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?

I just installed my Spectron Musician 3 into my system. I had a 2A3 amp powering 96db Epiphany 12/12s. Out of the box, ice cold, the Spectron was incredible! The tonality was spot on with the 2A3 tube amp! The harmonic structure was 85% of the tube amp, and this was with less than 4 hours on the Spectron! The Spectron bettered the 2A3 in 3 major ways: 1.) Increased detail with no loss of sweetness 2.) Deeper bass with more control, 3.) Both micro & macro dynamics! Spectron says it takes 3-4 weeks of 24/7 at medium volume before the amp sounds its best. Has anyone else had a chance to listen to this incredible amp?????

Note: I am not affiliated with Spectron.
Not really Darrell, just an "afflicted" audio-nut like the rest of us.

Good to see the list of what other amps you've owned as I am finally learning that the only way to tell if an "impression" or review (pro or otherwise) is worth considering, is by what other components one has owned.

Would be interesting to do a poll to see which of us nut cases has owned the most amps over the years. Seems to be (look at the thread count) the most often changed component in most peoples' systems.

My past amp affairs over the years (just for sh#*ts & grins);

Sansui G22000
Carver M1.5t
Perreaux PMF350
McCormack DNA-1
B&K Sonota M200
CJ Evolution 2000
AMC CVT2100s mono's
Classe CA301
Innersound ESL300
Llano Trinity 400R
Spectron Musician II
ASL Hurricanes
Halo JC-1's
TAS 1000 mono's
Bel Canto EVP 200.2
Could you please tell me in what ways the Spectron III betters the Spectron II. I own the II and I'm thinking about getting the III.

I'm interested in an ASR emitter Darrel. They are supposed to be amazing aren't they? Only in europe though.

Why did you keep the ASR? Is the Spectron much better?

Also for such sensitive speakers isn't the rule of thumb to go with tubes? Only ask as I got some Esoteric Speaker Products Harp speakers and everyone says go with tubes...? :)


The Spectron M3 is better than the M2 in every single way! The bass is even better in that it sounds more organic. The midrange on the M2 has more grain & hardness while the M3 is fully fleshed out and the voices have more body to them. The treble is the biggest improvment, totally grain free and much more transparent. No contest....the M3 spanks the M2! Dump the M2 while you can & get an M3 before word gets out on how much better the M3 is.
I have auditioned the Spectron Musician 3 Signature for several hours at Chang Audio Network (303-470-7077)( owned by Steve Chang (audiogoner SCHANG) in Denver last fall. Words that come to mind when thinking about that wonderful experience with the Spectron are nimbleness, authority, grace, staging, harmonic development, and lack of grain. The only other switching amp that I have enjoyed as much is the Rowland 312.