Have Linn Classik, upgrade to int amp & cd? Naim?

I have a Linn Classik and I was thinking
about upgrading to something like a
Naim Nait 5i and CD5i. I would be open
to other options except that it has to
be black and both by the same manufacturer
so that 1 remote runs both. I'm lazy.
buget is about $3000-$3500.

My motivation is mainly to get better sound.
Also considering a seperate Linn Amp and
running the clasik into it.

Does nait5i have a brighter or softer sound
than the clasik? I'm sensitive to brightness.

Different beasts! Naim and Linn are far apart.
Naim is fast, rhythmical - certainly not bright.
Linn more accurate tonally. A more precise sound.
Look at Cairn Fog CDP and 4808A Integrated - discontinued so good deals going. Best of both worlds I found.
A Quad 99-CDP CD player connected directly via it excellent variable volume control to a Quad 99 or Quad 909 amplifier. This is an excellent setup, but it has a grey face, not black.

This setup would retail for under $3000 and could be bought lightly used for about $1200-1800 depending on amp choice.

This setup got an excellent review in The Absolute Sound. I own the Quad 99 CDP and it is a really great player at its pricepoint.


I love my Nait 5i, with the Naim CD 5x. I'm budget sensitive too, but found the CD 5x worth the significant extra cost over the 5i. The Nait 5i sound is pleasingly warm and rich, without being fuzzy or flabby, just an all-around musical pleasure. Very hard to approach in its price range, from what I've heard. Definitely not bright, harsh or etched in presentation. And, I admit that my wife also likes the slim, elegant black boxes.
cyrus and soneteer components fall into the naim camp(rhythm) and revox elegence(tonal accuracy) into the linn camp. all are probably better bang for the buck at the moment. those revox pieces are the best kept secret(for the money) in audio. also built to last forever