Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha

Currently using Kimble Kables 8TC to connect the amp to the Sasha speakers. But would like to upgrade to better suit higher end gear. Amp is Plinius SA-Reference, source is Wadia S7i cd player/DAC. Plinius connects to the Wadia by Transparent MusicLink Super interconnects.

What speaker cable would be recommended for my situation? I would prefer to keep the cost under $3,500. Cable length would be 20 feet.
2D I CALL STANDARD AUDIO. Because a simple 100 dollar costing
amp will build the stage the same way.

The biggest problem is that most products in audio are 2D. In
combination with the low level in knowledge of most people who
work in audio manny people get 2D sound. I see it as a rip
Zd542, I enjoy your humor, it's great to get a laugh in a audiophile world that is so serious!,@ Metralla, your welcome.
Transparent was always the best fit for my Wilson based and B&W based systems....shockingly lifelike reproduction with extreme low level detail and contrast with a killer dynamic swing. Natural huge sound staging and harmonic envelope as well.
Transparent cables are easy to use cause of the musical mid freq. But......there is a limitation! When you want the best they never will give you ultimate blacks, timing and physical individuela focus of some competitors. When you compare their best cables with the pure silver Audioquest Wel Signature you know what you loose. Then there is no way back anymore. Audio is always about the best endresults.
Over the years I've noticed that people criticize MIT heavily because of the network boxes on their cables, but with Transparent, people seem to ignore the boxes. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed it as well?