Is Preamp overkill for me?

I'm a single-source guy - SACD Player. Current setup runs source to integrated but, am considering upgrading to separates (preamp/amp). Regarding preamp, I'm thinking I really just need something to control the volume. I don't need/want balance or tone controls and don't need to switch sources. I don't mind spending money ($2k) on a preamp but would rather put that money towards quality than features I don't need/want. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Under your single source circumstances, it may be possible to get a CDP with analog volume control or power amp with level controls.
Get Adcom GFP750 and there you'll at least know what you realy want since it could work in active and passive modes.
Try the Sonic Euphoria that the dealer offers here on Agon, I think with a trial period too. It was sweeter then the Placette audio passiver preamp with better bass. With a passive you have to make sure it mates well with your amp. The SE was a real bargin when I tried it and I would have bought one if I did not already have a very expensive tube preamp that really was not much better, so try it for the price.

Happy Listening.
Modwright SWL 9.0 hybrid linestage. Very high quality, incredibly transparent.
If your going to be buying an amp anyway (sounds like you are), then just buy one that mates well with a PVC...their are tons of them.

I used a Bent Audio passive for around a year in one of my systems and it was outstanding in every way...of course it should have been because the system components all had good specs. for passive use.

A good passive setup can equal and even better a good tubed preamp in midrange quality...
