What is the best value you have encountered?

Want to gain knowlege from years past. What items can be found used and represent a good value in terms of bang for your buck. For instance I have Polk Ls 50 speakers that I got for $125 dollars and could have had a set of DCM Timewindows for the same money. Everything I read says that the DCM's still hold thier own in terms of performance for the dollar spent. I want to know what items out there perform way above their price point.
Sound Dynamics RTS -3 speakers at their original $150 discounted new price or occasionally on Audiogon for $100-$150. Insert them in an ultra high end system of other equipment and maybe add a REL Storm III sub and you will won't believe your ears.
I second the RTS-3 speakers. If you line the cabinets with NO-REZ dampening(the weakness of this speaker is in the resonating cabinets)then you will have an absolutely incredible little speaker.