Just upgraded to the DK VS-1 Signature

I just traded in my VS-1 Reference for the VS-1 Signature. There is a $2000 price difference between the two units. I was already in heaven listening to the Reference, however, the Signature definitely takes the performance up to a new level. In a way that I cannot explain there is a certain glow and a certain airiness that is musical in a way that reminds me of single ended tube amplifiers and yet coupled to a rock solid bass foundation that can shake the room with no transient overhang. The high frequencies are also stellar, that seem to extend out to infinity with a pitch black background. In my opinion, and I might start another shark feeding frenzy here, the Signature outperforms every amplifier that I have heard under $20,000 - making it a true breakthrough for the price.

Any other opinions on the new VS-1 Signature?
Procalc, comparing equipment is a common technique employed in reviews. It's an important element that helps legitimize the reviewer's opinion of a product. Without such comparisons, a comment such as, "it outperforms every amplifier that I have heard under $20,000", carries no weight. It can be done without bad-mouthing any manufacturer by explaining how the Signature does things better than other amps.

I'm glad you have found an amp you enjoy, and it's good to know the Signature sounds better to you than the Reference.
Pespectfully PROCALC, your statement about DK being personally preferable to an unspecified set of amps upwards to 20K is too open ended to be indicative, one way or another. Please do not feel you would be bad mouthing some manufacturers by naming names. They are big boys and will withstand your opinions without feeling emotionally hurt. Personal and very specific tastes/comparisons is what Audiogon is all about after all.
Respectfully Procalc, both Tvad & Guidocorona are explaining most members here take into account what equipment was associated and compared to, in which helps get a better idea of just what strengths the "reviewed" product may posses. Without any of that info, is similar to me buying a Corvette and stating it is the best sports car I have driven under $100,000! But I don't tell what I've compared it to, because I would be bad mouthing other cars? By saying that, I would assume some people may think all I have done is read a lot of Road & Track Magazine.

OH - this is not tied in with you Procalc and I am sincerely happy you are satisfied with your sound. That is what we are all striving for, and why comparisons help others.


there will be a DK VS-1 STATEMENT

lets say, approx. 3 months or so from now...

(just feeling a bit prophetic tonight...)
I am still interested to hear from someone providing a serious comparison between the v2 or v3 and the signature.
I thought that Procalc gave us a wonderful comparison.

we all can comfortably rest assured that it is better than MANY 20k amplifiers...which ones...well...we're not sure...but that's cool cause we really don't want to hurt Mark Levinson, Dan D'Agostino, Neslon Pass, John Curl, or any of the other presumably thin skinned audio designers feelings.

there were wonderful references to single ended tube like qualities...room shaking bass....performance taken up to a new level.

he used very descriptive words like stellar, infinity, pitch black.

the $2000 price differential was another wonderful comparison although i'm not sure if that includes sales tax.

he was already in heaven but has now relocated to one of heavens better neighborhoods.

what else is there to know?

well...actually...i'd like to know if it was jaw dropping