Aesthetix Calypso and Herron VTSP 2

Both of these preamps are highly rated tube linestages with remotes. Has anyone had any experience with them that they can share? Thanks
Sounds like the calypso is unreliable with the stk tubes. This is a common issue with all Aesthetix products. I had the same trouble a few years ago with an IO that I promptly returned to the dealer. Don't get me wrong they sound very good, but is it worth the trouble. Products at this price range should work reliably
The herron is totally reliable and sounds good with the stk tubes.
I suggest you have a listen to both to see what you like
I have owned a Calypso for approximately one year with no problems at all. It is also very quiet. It is an outstanding piece. I have compared running my Berning ZH270 direct from my Audio Aero Prima CD player to the same with Calypso in the middle. The Calypso adds body and texture. Very nice. Not as "tubey" as some pre-amps. Depends on the sound you seek.
I own the Herron VTSP-1/VTPH combination and I have heard the IO/Callisto combo in a friends system. While the Aesthetix units are fine performers, I never came home after hearing them with preamp envy. The Herrons's are easy to live with: They don't require NOS tubes to sound their best, don't run their tube hard, don't blow fuses on start up, don't double as space heaters, rarely if ever get noisey and take up limited shelf space.