Best Integrated Amp.

After much consideration I have decided to purchase an integrated amp for my first system. I'm doing this partially because if I choose to move to seperates at a later date, I can move the integrated into my bedroom as a second system.

I'm looking for a warm and very musical (int)amp to power a set of efficient floor-standing speakers that are a little on the bright side.

I would like any recommendations anyone has to offer with the list of equipment you are currently using your integrated to power.

For a warm, musical integrated you're going to have a hard time doing better than the Jolida 302b. I have preferred this little guy to expensive McIntosh separates.

And for a $900 list price ($600-700 used) you just can't go wrong.

I don't run an integrated amp, but I have heard a few reasonably priced models that are worth looking into. I saw a $1800 integrated from Rogue at CES that sounded terrific and met pretty high standards for construction and finish. I believe it utilized El34 tubes.

A tube integrated from Consonance, playing at the nearby T.H.E. Show also sounded fantastic and it too was pretty cheap.

I am also quite familiar with the Jolida 302b. A friend of mine is a dealer, but I think he has given up on the Jolida line because of reliability problems. He says that the current model uses output transformers that seem to be failing at a pretty high rate, while models produced before 2001 seem to hold up longer.
Check for a used Gryphon Integrated and look no further. I have had the Tabu At and the Tabu Century, both great amps.
I have a VAC Avatar Super powering VSA VR2's
I love the sound all the good qualities of tubes
if you go SS the gryphon,asr would be good choices
the amps i mentioned don't come up used very often that in itself should tell u something