Best Integrated Amp.

After much consideration I have decided to purchase an integrated amp for my first system. I'm doing this partially because if I choose to move to seperates at a later date, I can move the integrated into my bedroom as a second system.

I'm looking for a warm and very musical (int)amp to power a set of efficient floor-standing speakers that are a little on the bright side.

I would like any recommendations anyone has to offer with the list of equipment you are currently using your integrated to power.

Check for a used Gryphon Integrated and look no further. I have had the Tabu At and the Tabu Century, both great amps.
I have a VAC Avatar Super powering VSA VR2's
I love the sound all the good qualities of tubes
if you go SS the gryphon,asr would be good choices
the amps i mentioned don't come up used very often that in itself should tell u something
I second the Unico. Yes, I own one - but I know its strengths and weaknesses (in stock form) quite well.

The Unico fits the bill as you describe it to a 't'. Warm enough to smooth out 'bright' speakers and enough power reserve to get you boogying, especially with higher-efficiency speakers.