Anyone have experience with Running Springs Audio

I placed a post earlier regarding power conditioners in general. I referenced specifically PS audio. I got to admit the reviews were somewhat positive, but definitely mixed.

I just read a several articles and reviews about Running Springs Audio's Haley, etc. Any input?
I use a PS Audio P300 for my sources and will continue to do so. However, I did some additonal research on this subject and decided I am going to buy the Haley for my amp. I currently use a Chang Lightspeed for the amp, but have been impressed with the Running Springs technology. A friend of mine is a dealer for them and feels they are a worthwhile investment. In addition, I was impressed with Shunyata, and think they have a good product.
Good info from all. thanks. I live in a rural area so I don't have access to dealers. This input from actual users in invaluable!!
I had a Haley in my home for some time and found it quite excellent with lowering noise floor and improving the timbral qualities and overall sound reproduction. After trying several PLCs, I ended up with an Exact Power EP-15A, as it worked a bit better in my system, but it was almost twice the price of the Haley.

All in all, given the prices of comparable products, IMO the Haley is a great product at it's price and well worth an audition.
I have the Duke and Danielle in my McIntosh and Marantz Reference system. `They are a wolf in sheeps clothing` as Dan at Dedicated Audio states. Used with dedicated ac circuits and good receptacles my system took own a new life. They are a wonderful addition to my system.

Happy Listening